Mining Github and to Explore the UK’s Digital Tech Clusters (at PyDiff)

Mar 15, 2016
Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

I’ll be giving a talk at  PyDiff, a monthly meetup for Cardiff’s Python User Group. The topic is mining online platforms (specifically, Github and Meetup) to understand the UK’s digital tech clusters. To be held at Cardiff University’s Trevithick Building on Tue 15 March.

What can Github and tell us about the UK’s digital tech clusters? In this talk I will describe how Python was used to mine these online platforms to compare programming expertise and tech communities in different regions of the UK. These data contributed to the recently launched Tech Nation 2016 report, which provides a comprehensive data-driven analysis of the UK’s digital tech clusters.

Update: Slides available on Speaker Deck. Thanks to PyDiff for inviting me, and to organisers Martin Chorley, Vince Knight, and Daniele Procida.